Don’t stay up late! Let’s learn about sleep deprivation

All-nighters are counterproductive


  • Pokémon Sleep is intended for entertainment purposes only and is not intended for use in detection, diagnosis, or treatment of any medical condition or disease.
  • The information provided in this article—and the sleep score registered through Pokémon Sleep—does not represent or substitute for a diagnosis from a physician or health care professional, and it cannot be used as a diagnostic or therapeutic treatment for a sleep disorder. Users should seek medical attention in case they present signs or symptoms that could be associated with sleep disorders.
  • Please note that the information in this article is intended for adults regarding sleep unless otherwise stated.

It’s known that the more sleep we lose, the more prone we are to making mistakes. In other words, pulling an all-nighter to cram for a test can have the opposite effect to what we intend. Also, if we continue to stay up all night and lose sleep for several days in a row, the negative effects of losing sleep can last for a long time—it can take weeks to recover from the accumulated sleep debt.

Reference materials: Dawson D, et al. “Fatigue, alcohol and performance impairment” Nature 1997 Jul 17;388(6639):235.

Van Dongen, Dinges, et al. “The cumulative cost of additional wakefulness: dose-response effects on neurobehavioral functions and sleep physiology from chronic sleep restriction and total sleep deprivation “Sleep. 2003 Mar 15;26(2):117-26.

Banks, Siobhan, and David F. Dinges. “Behavioral and physiological consequences of sleep restriction.” Journal of clinical sleep medicine 3.5 (2007): 519-528.

About Dr. Yanagisawa

Masashi Yanagisawa

Born in Tokyo in 1960, Masashi Yanagisawa completed his medical doctorate at a graduate school in the University of Tsukuba and is a member of the National Academy of Sciences. In 1987, he discovered the vasoconstricting peptide endothelin while in graduate school, and in 1988 he discovered orexin, a neuropeptide that regulates sleep and wakefulness. At 31 years of age, Professor Yanagisawa came to the United States, where he presided over laboratories at the University of Texas and at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute over the span of 24 years. He founded the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS) in 2012, establishing it under the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s World Premier International Research Initiative. Professor Yanagisawa founded S’UIMIN Inc. in 2017 and currently acts as CEO.

He supervised the provision of sleep-related information during the development of Pokémon Sleep.

He was awarded a Japanese Medal with Purple Ribbon in 2016, received the Asahi Prize and the Keio Medical Science Prize in 2018, was named a Person of Cultural Merit in 2019, and received the Breakthrough Prize in 2023.