Event: Super Skill Week
Get the most out of your Pokémon’s specialties during Super Skill Week!During this one-week event, helper Pokémon with the Skills specialty can really shine!Also, Pokémon with the Skills specialty will be more likely to appear and the limited-time Mini Candy Boost will be available during this event.We hope you’re looking forward to this!Event Period:• Monday, January 20, at 4:00 a.m. to Monday, January 27, at 3:59 a.m.Event Areas:• All areasMission Period:• Monday, January 20, at 4:00 a.m. to Monday, January 27, at 3:59 a.m.
The following effects will trigger in the applicable areas during this event.— All Days (January 20 to January 26) —• The chance of triggering the main skill of helper Pokémon with the Skills specialty will be multiplied by 1.5.• Main skill levels of helper Pokémon with the Skills specialty will be boosted by 3 when they trigger.• The limited-time Mini Candy Boost function will be available.• Pokémon of different sleep types will appear during sleep research regardless of your sleep type for that day.• Certain Pokémon will be more likely to appear during sleep research.
Greater Appearance Rates
The following Pokémon are more likely to appear during this event!Greater Appearance RateRufflet and Braviary.Slightly Greater Appearance RateMeowth, Psyduck, Growlithe, Slowpoke, Magnemite, Eevee, Igglybuff, Togepi, Mareep, Heracross, Sableye, Gulpin, Wynaut, Drifloon, Bonsly, Riolu, Ralts, Dedenne, Mimikyu, and Pawmi.