
New Arrivals: Vulpix (Alolan Form), Pawmi, and Their Evolutions

There have been reports of Vulpix (Alolan Form), Pawmi, and their Evolutions appearing near certain areas—maybe this is thanks to the sleep research you’ve all been conducting!
It may be possible to encounter them during sleep research sometime soon.

■ Newly arriving Pokémon
• Vulpix (Alolan Form)
• Ninetales (Alolan Form)
• Pawmi
• Pawmo
• Pawmot

We hope you’re looking forward to this!

Newly Arriving Pokémon Details

Appearing Beginning

December 23, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.
Note: Pokémon Incense for the new arrivals can be used starting from the date and time above.

Pokémon You Can Encounter in Each Area

Greengrass Isle
• Pawmi.

Snowdrop Tundra
• Vulpix (Alolan Form), Ninetales (Alolan Form), Pawmi, Pawmo, and Pawmot.

Old Gold Power Plant
• Pawmi, Pawmo, and Pawmot.

Sleep Types

• Pawmi, Pawmo, and Pawmot.

• Vulpix (Alolan Form) and Ninetales (Alolan Form).