
Sleep Report: Good Sleep Day #10

How was your sleep research during the three-day Good Sleep Day event?

Our sleep tends to be shorter and shallower during the full moon. However, we found that on the night of the full moon during this Good Sleep Day event, the average sleep duration of all you researchers around the world was 1 min. and 23 sec. longer than average.

Sleep Report Details

Average sleep durations during Good Sleep Day compared to average sleep durations on the same days of the previous week

5/22 (Wed): 7 hrs 5 min (-0 min)
5/23 (Thu): 7 hrs 7 min (+3 min)
5/24 (Fri): 7 hrs 25 min (+1 min)

Notes: The difference from the same days of the previous week is calculated separately for each of the three days.
Only users who tracked sleep once per day were included in these calculations.

Thank you all for sleeping more than usual to further your sleep research.

We plan to hold the Good Sleep Day event again on the following dates so that you can sleep just as well during the next full moon. Please look forward to the next Good Sleep Day event!
The next Good Sleep Day event will be held from 6/21 to 6/23.

This Month’s Sleep Tips

From now on, we will share some sleep-related tips in this sleep report.
We hope these tips will help every researcher’s sleep.

Keep Your Room Quiet and Adjust the Temperature

Keeping your room as quiet as possible is an important factor for getting good sleep. The sound of people talking can be especially disruptive to sleep.

When you’re sleeping, try to maintain a temperature that’s right for you all the way until morning. Being too hot or too cold isn’t good for your sleep.
Reference material.
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7 tips for better sleep, based on the latest sleep research